A Reasonably Good Day
Just a quick update. Today has been reasonably good. I got a pulse of more than 120 from taking a shower and getting dressed so my body is clearly working hard. I have done a few hours of work with couch breaks in between meetings. My right hand is still protesting when I’ve spent too long time on the track pad – and at some point the hand needed more rest than my brain. I hope this passes in a few days. It was annoying speaking in meetings today since my vocal cords are slightly affected as well. My voice is a bit raspy and gets easily strained. That has not changed much since Thursday.
Now I’m listening to some calming Brazilian Bossa Nova that Benjamin put on while he is making dinner. The foul flavor in my mouth is less prominent today, so I’m looking forward to his signature beef chili. I am now taking the dog and James for a walk before we eat.
And I am still so overwhelmed by the love I’m getting from near and far. Thank you so much for caring about me!
2 thoughts on “A Reasonably Good Day”
So glad you’re feeling a bit better. I’m sure the beautiful weather we had today helped! Thinking of you all😊
Godt å lese at du har bedre dager. Gamle venner på Bekkelaget og fra KS hilser til deg.