The gift that keeps on giving
Why is it that every time I get an additional compound to relieve or mend side effects – that compound adds additional side effects? I have for three days gotten injections with growth factor to stimulate white blood cell growth – since my white blood cell count was too low last week. Additional side effects now are more fatigue, dizziness, sore throat and more hot flashes. Luckily I have not gotten bone pain – which was the side effect the nurses seemed most worried about.
Even if the side effects have been somewhat more manageable this cycle, and the neuropathy has been much less prevalent, the low energy has lingered a few days extra. I have to do everything much slower than I normally want to because I easily get faint and dizzy. Perhaps all the spare energy I otherwise would have had now is being focused on making white blood cells. I have spent many hours on the couch, tucked up under a blanket. A blanket that quickly is removed when the hot flashes kick in. Then I just have to focus and breathe and not let the sensation take too strong hold until it passes after a few minutes. I’m getting fed up with having hot ears and a clammy forehead.
Another side effect from the chemo is that I have started shedding skin on my finger tips. That is causing some problems when opening my devices with said shedded finger prints. A side effect I was not expecting. In addition the skin around my nails is strangely shiny and the skin on top of my finger joints is much darker than normal. The darker skin and the shedding is on the areas of my fingers where I keep getting an odd tingling sensation. So strange to observe how my body changes. So much at the same time. I am so ready to be done with this and go back to as normal state as I can.
Hopefully I can say in a couple of days that I have recovered from infusion five and have another small celebration – only one more cycle to go. I have bought some rhubarb and I’m planning on making a nice dessert or two. I love rhubarb. To me it is the epiphany of summer. I love my moms rhubarb soup for dessert on my parents porch during a nice hot summer evening.
2 thoughts on “The gift that keeps on giving”
Stine we are sending positive vibes for infusion five recovery! You have been such a trooper through all the miserable side affects. Enjoy your rhubarb desserts! Scott has such fond memories of his grandma’s rhubarb pie with meringue which I tried to make for him but it definitely wasn’t like grandmas.
Stå på Stine! Vi tenker på deg og følger nøye med her på bloggen. Snart er disse 6 rundene over! Mange klemmer fra oss alle her 🙂