Great candidate
Everything went well on my laparoscopy today. What a relief. No surprises. Two small incisions in my belly. It was not much scar tissue from the last surgery (the debulking). The surgeon got a good overview and was very pleased. He saw the tumor on the diaphragm – it has not grown, but not reduced in size either most likely. He saw two tiny tumors in the lower abdomen that the other surgeons probably missed. He also confirmed that there is a little bit of mucin left. He did not see the need to do a biopsy of anything.
His conclusion is that I am a great candidate for HIPEC and cytoreductive surgery – where the tumors he saw today will be removed. As said previously part of the colon will also be removed – I don’t know how much. And after he has removed what he can see he will marinate my abdomen with a heated chemotherapy solution – the HIPEC. This surgery has now been scheduled and will take place on July 2.
Tomorrow I need to go back down to the hospital to do an ultrasound of my legs to evaluate the extent of the blood clots. They need this to know if I will have to have a filter inserted in my inferior vena cava before the next surgery. In about a week I will meet with the surgeon again, and the oncologist, to go over the results and the next steps.
I have been a bit dazed the rest of the day after this morning’s surgery. I’ve been working the anesthetic out by relaxing and sleeping and I had a long good walk before dinner. Now my belly is a bit sore. Like I’ve done too many crunches and had a bit of a beating. I have not needed to take any painkillers yet, but will take an aspirin now before bedtime just as a precaution.
One thought on “Great candidate”
Hei Stine,
Godt å høre at formen din blir bedre dag for dag, at lapraskopien gikk bra, og at du har blitt vurdert som en god kandidat for HIPEC! Litt overrasket over at de små tumorene de fant ikke ble påvist på CT’n, men det var kanskje ikke forventet? Flott at du har gode naboer og venner rundt deg som har kunnet avlaste og hjelpe når det har vært tøffe tak, og at hverdagen nå etterhvert kommer *litt* nærmere normalen for dere alle tre (ok fire, Chess må ikke glemmes 😊). Ha en herlig helg og hils de andre!