An Uninvited Guest

An Uninvited Guest

Leaving doors open on a warm day obviously enticed a Norwegian of a smaller and hairier kind to enter without invitation. Chess has had one of the most exciting days of his life – starting with pouncing, barking and heavy wagging of tail in the movie room right after breakfast. After a discombobulated morning with about an hour of chasing and screaming (I was the only one screaming) we were sure the little beast had escaped back out. Chess tried to tell us otherwise, but who believes a dog pumped full of adrenaline.

Starting tomorrow I’m ramping up to the next and third chemo cycle. I will again fast for two days so James has been pushing to make me eat a lot today. I am so full. I am of course not exactly looking forward to Thursday even though I know it is one more step towards being done. Mixed feelings. I’ve had a few moments of dread rushing through me picturing myself on the couch squirming again because my head is not on straight. 

But – the feeling of dread was quickly channeled into heavy problem solving mode when we realized that the adrenaline pumped dog was in fact right. The little beast was indeed still in our movie room hiding under and in chairs – and under and in piano. When we finally had it pinned in a corner (in the back of the piano) we managed to make a funnel of various furniture, shelves, pillows, instruments, folders and boxes – and it finally made a run for it and flitted out the door. Chess missed it by an inch before it escaped.

Of all the things we thought we didn’t have to do. Perfect with focus on something besides cancer and virus. I am however not inviting that hairy brown little Norwegian back in any time soon. I am now going to enjoy strawberries and blackberries with cream. Yummy – but I am still very full.

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