Grains of Rice

Grains of Rice

Guest blogger James here. Today there has been much debate over the size of rice grains. It’s not that we are losing our collective quarantine minds, but if you really look at them (and I did) then you start to see quite a bit of differences in rice grain size. And color. And shape. Anyway- it is important in our house as this is the calibration for RSO dosage for Stine. On days where she has low symptoms, she gets 1 grain per dose, but on bad days she gets 2 grains per dose. To make things extra complicated, the facilitator who knows about the Green Goddess said that Stine should also be getting a 3 grain dose once per day. I am sure some of you are just asking “Why doesn’t he just weigh them?” Well- it is a good idea but requires a significantly better scale than I have at the house (which is used for flour measurements and general cooking). I suspect however, that the house scale would be accurate enough for dosing elephants. Or whales. Or small dinosaurs.

So- Stine is having a bit of an “off” day, with stronger symptoms. I got out the rice calibration device and give her a 3-grainer tonight so she sleeps well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Many thanks to Emily and Scott for the oatmeal delivery today! And for my Mom and the pulled pork dinner last night. I can’t tell you how helpful all the support from the whole friends and family network is, but please know that we are both lucky and very grateful.

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