HIPEC Surgery Update 3

HIPEC Surgery Update 3

Stine is recovering slowly but steadily. The last two days have been difficult and uncomfortable but today she is off the morphine derivative epidural, and is having less nausea. She sat up twice yesterday but became light-headed and had to quickly rest. Still, it was progress!

This morning has her starting her liquid diet. Breakfast consists of cherry jello, water, beef broth, and cherry Italian ice. They will be opening the gastric tube every hour, then re-closing it for three hours. This will let her intestines begin to start working.

With a bit of luck she hopes to stand-up this morning. Yesterday morning she was too tired to text however she is definitely beginning to regain energy. I suspect she will start reaching out to friends and family by tomorrow, but know that she definitely has you in her thoughts.

One thought on “HIPEC Surgery Update 3

  1. Thank you for today’s video talk Stine. As James write, you looked much better today then yesterday.

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