For those of you that are interested. I got the result back from the genetic test (STRATA) that was done on the tumor cells. The mutation that was detected is KRAS G12D. It is common to have a KRAS G12 mutation in stomach cancers. I have read a little bit about it, but cannot read more. I just don’t feel good reading about anything related to this disease. I have a bad tendency to focus on the potential bad things and not the good things. Anyway – since many of my friends and family are more than normally interested in this topic – have at it. 

One of the stranger side effects with this treatment is the cold sensitivity. I don’t know enough about nerves to even try to understand it. This morning I enjoyed more than usual cold water on my hands and face and big gulps of cold drinks. Shortly I have another two weeks of waiting for warm tap water, waiting for drinks to get room temperature, small sips and no touching cold items.

Tomorrow – new hospital, last infusion. I have just finished breakfast and I’m already overwhelmed by that my list of to dos is longer than usual. I am so ready to get more energy and to not get stressed by the mere fact that I’m going to take a shower and wash my hair today. Because it is not just taking a shower; I need to figure out when to do it and before the shower the house must get cleaned. So much to plan… I have to look at cleaning the house as a good exercise before zombie mode. None of us had the willpower to clean the house this weekend, and I will be very happy to have that done before I’m flat on the couch again – so today is housecleaning day. I also need to figure out what food to bring to the hospital tomorrow. I’m going to spend most of the day there – longer than my previous infusions – so I need extra food. And not only that I’m going to make dinner today – not alone though – I will get help from Benjamin. So much to do.

Speaking of dinner – and long to do lists; the wonderful dinners we got from friends this weekend were highly highly appreciated. My shoulders (and James’) definitely are lowered when we don’t have to think about what to make for dinner and also make it. Thank you so much Emily, Kathleen & Bertrand – and Lois. And we got homemade knekkebrød from Anine – yum – thank you! I’m happy I had some Norwegian brown cheese so I could enjoy the knekkebrød dreaming of Norway.

2 thoughts on “KRAS G12D

  1. Du er flott og sterk Stine. Vi tenker på deg hele tiden. Det er så godt at dette er siste omgang med cellegift.

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