Muscles with a vengeance
I’m still improving and manage to do a little bit more every day. Yesterday morning I thought I’d had a set back. When I reached the top of the hill at the end of the block I conked out. I did the silly mistake of talking while walking uphill – I’ll wait a few days before trying that again. Despite the unwanted morning collapse the rest of the day was good and my second walk was a nice long one – the same length as the long one the day before. I’ve also made dinner two days in a row and I’m pretty proud of that.
Most of my body appreciates the slow introduction of more and more activity. My abdominal muscles not so much. They have clearly enjoyed the hibernation and would like to stay in relax mode a bit longer, so they are putting up a fight. It feels like all the abdominal muscles are severely bruised. The skin doesn’t look bruised, but there might be some internal bruising. The surgical procedure and the HIPEC clearly stretched and forced the muscles into unknown territories. I cringe when I think of how I looked cut open on the operating table.
Enough about that. Yesterday I removed the dressing where the chest tube came out. Everything looked great and the hole had closed up nicely. It’s impressive how it could close just like that without any sutures.
Even if my abdominal muscles try to tell me otherwise, I have been spending most of my time in bed or on the couch. Yesterday I finished crocheting all the granny squares I need for the jacket. Now I have assembly left. Many of you have asked to get a sneak peak of the project. The bottom left image is the inspiration that I found on Pinterest a few years ago and I have tried to copy it as best I can. The top right image shows the squares lined up for the back.
What to do when it’s done? I’m planning to make a blanket for Benjamin. I showed him I couple of alternatives and he picked out one design he liked and suggested how he wanted the squares to line up. Next steps are to draw out the design and order some more yarn. Yes, Therese, I think I also need some “kamferdrops”.
4 thoughts on “Muscles with a vengeance”
Takk for at du deler bilder av alpakka prosjektet. Jeg er utrolig imponert over hvor mye du har fått heklet og at du bare har hatt et bilde å gå ut i fra. Jeg synes dine firkanter er freshere👍 Godt å høre at det går bedre dag for dag og flott at du kommer deg ut på turer. Lots of Love 💙💜
Dear Stine and James,
Thank you so much for sharing your journey.
We are amazed by how the two of you are dealing with this, and we are all thinking of you. ❤️
So relieved to hear that the operation went well, and that you are feeling better, Stine.
Sending our love and happy thoughts, and hope to see you guys soon when Covid-19 preventions allow!
Kjetil, Ulrik, Ylva & Ingvild 😘❤️
Wonderful update. Can’t wait to see you in that beautiful sweater! What talent!!
Wow–beautiful squares & gorgeous design!